- Agarose overlay selectively improves macrocolony formation and radiosensitivity assessment in primary fibroblasts.
Agarose overlay selectively improves macrocolony formation and radiosensitivity assessment in primary fibroblasts.
Primary fibroblasts are not suitable for in vitro macrocolony assay due to their inability to form distinct colonies. Here we present a modification of agarose overlay that yielded extensive improvement in their colony formation and assessment of radiosensitivity. Macrocolony formation was assessed in primary human fibroblasts VH10 and HDFn with or without overlay using 0.5% agarose in growth medium at 24 h post-seeding. Malignant human cell lines (A549, U87) and transformed non-malignant fibroblasts (AA8 hamster, MRC5 human) were used for comparison. Agarose overlay caused significant improvement marked by early appearance (one week) of distinct colonies with high cell density and multifold higher plating efficiency than conventional macrocolony assay in VH10 and HDFn human fibroblasts. Compared to conventional assay or feeder cell supplementation, agarose overlay resulted in broader cell morphology due to improved adherence, and yielded more compact colonies. Gamma-radiation dose-response survival curves could be successfully generated for both fibroblast cell lines using this method, which yielded no such effects in the transformed/malignant cell lines tested. This easy and inexpensive 'agarose overlay technique' significantly and selectively improves the fibroblast plating efficiency, thus considerably reducing time and effort to greatly benefit the survival studies on primary fibroblasts.